Q. Who do I contact for questions with the Dual Code Learning Management System?

A. You can contact anyone in education at OH-TGLN_Educators@ontariohealth.onmicrosoft.com

Q.How do I view what courses are outstanding for completion?

A. There are a few ways you can view your outstanding courses:

1. Click on your dashboard tab and you will see all courses you are enrolled in:

This is a picture of  where the dashboard tab is located on the home page

2. View right on the home page under the Progress Report:

This is an image of the progress report

3. View on the Course Overview, also found on the home page, by scrolling past the Progress Report. Here you can select the filter icon to show only those courses "in progress". This will remove all your completed courses from the view, and keep those that still require completion:

This is a picture of the course overview and what to select to only show courses that still require completion

4. View the drop down in the "My Courses" Sub-menu at the top of the page:

This is an example of the course drop down sub-menu

Q. How do I know when I have completed a course?

A. Your Progress Report will show you what is completed or not completed. The legend provided at the bottom of the Progress Report explains each icon:

This picture describes the use of the legend in the progress report to determine what's complete and what's outstanding

Q. How do I navigate to the next course in a program I am enrolled in?

A. You can do this a few ways:

1. By clicking on the next course on the left hand side of the screen under the "Navigation" menu and in the “My courses” drop down

2. Go back to home page and select under the "Progress Report" or  the “Course Overview”

3. Select the "Dashboard" under the "Navigation" menu

Q.How long will I have to finish my courses?

A. Each course will have a specific time to complete; Dual Code will send you emails to: notify you of when you need to complete; follow up emails with the number of days to complete; and an email if it is past due.